The foundation having gone through an existence of 12 years in 2009 realized that helping patients who are already affected by kidney diseases covers only a small segment of the problem. The major issue which needs to be focused is to prevent the kidney ailments.
The only answer to this is to provide mass education and awareness across the length and breadth of the country by educating people as to what is the root cause of the problem. i.e. uncontrolled/unmanaged Diabetes and Blood Pressure are the main culprit. As per WHO estimates, India is world capital for Diabetes and this will continue to increase. Hypertension is also spread to a similar extent. A recent study published in the Lancet showed that 60% of the Indians who have high blood pressure are not even aware of it. It estimates that 50% of adult Indians suffer from hypertension. A combination of hypertension and diabetes would result in a large number of people getting kidney dysfunction. Even if 1% of them land up on dialysis, this would be a huge burden to the country as a whole. The foundation is active in reducing the salt and sugar intake in the population.
Therefore, the trust is concentrating on preventive measures i.e. Early Disease Programme (EDP). To this effect, the trust has launched the Early Disease Programme (EDP) on 15th March 2009 on the occasion of celebration of 12th anniversary . All available mass media is being made use to disseminate this message to cover widest population groups. The media includes TV, Internet, Cinema, Radio, Banners, Pamphlets, Newspapers, print media etc. Early disease programme includes detection, intervention and monitoring. Healthcare of the community will be the primary aim.