Sapiens Health Foundation a NGO championing the cause of kidney failure patients for over two decades celebrated the World Kidney Day on March 11th 2021. The theme for this year World Kidney Day is “Living Well with Kidney Disease”. Several patients who had successfully battled kidney disease and leading a normal life were honored by the foundation. This included patients who had undergone kidney transplantation, who were living long with Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis and those who have recovered from various serious kidney ailments. A documentary on the subject with patients sharing their experiences made by Mr. Niranjan, film director was released during the function. Dr. Rajan Ravichandran, chairman of the foundation emphasized the need to lead a normal life despite of any kidney ailments. According to him patients require confidence and a rehabilitation to normal life. Doctors, paramedical staff and family members can play a great role in this situation and enhance the quality of their life. Madhu Balaji of the Crazy group who himself was a kidney donor to his sister-in-law 15 years back spoke on the importance of organ donation. Mr. Ramachandran who has been associated with the foundation since inception said, he is an excellent example of a person leading a full life despite a kidney ailment since 29 years. Mr. R. Sundar, trustee of the foundation welcomed the guests and summarized the highlights of this event in his closing remarks.